v y d a v y s i n d i k a t project
comments from the site:
Recorded chronologically as they
were recieved starting with a first one recieved in
October shortly after the installation opened. Anytime development team will
update this page
as the comments come in.
- I\'m a home owner a block away from the site of the new Royal Retreat
Hotel on the corner of Sackett & Coulmbia street in Red Hook Brooklyn.
Robin Casanova
- What is an Air Yacht that will be on the roof of the hotel?
- i think its great on columbia st and wondering if you will develope
anything by van brunt st or cruise terminal
- i live in the area and also i am building hotel\'s in the area
sebastiano faraone
- Save me a seat on the air yacht! You\'re gonna give Hotel Le Bleu a run
for its money!
Anne D. Bernstein
- Are you for real?
Jillian Faulls
- Hi, I\'m a reporter for the Brooklyn Paper who covers Red Hook. I would
like to know more about your hotel and tomorrow\'s groundbreaking
ceremony. Please give me a call.
Mike McLaughlin
- This is a good project. It\'s painfully close to what is happening,
and very scary. Good way to raise awareness!
- I would like to speak to someone today (Oct. 24) for an article I\'m
writing about Brooklyn\'s hotel boom. Please reach out to me; I\'d love
to chat.
Jotham Sederstrom
- Why not make this a sustainable hotel?
Pat Jennings
- not very funny
neig bour
hey. didn\'t care much for your piece. i liked the effort and the
tongue in cheek nature of it, but when i saw this the humor just went
right out of it... www.masseyknakal.com/buildingphotos/211columbia.pdf
also i wanted to ask if you\'d mind if a few mates and i were to graffiti
it up a bit. right now its just dead space. wasted. boring. ugly.
the worst of the worst. or take it down and let someone else have a
neig bour
211-13 Columbia Street, Brooklyn, NY (Columbia between Sackatt and
Union Streets with egress on Sackett Street) Development/Conversion
Sites,Special Use,Outer Boroughs Mixed-used development site with Department
of Buildings Approved plans for 32,975 sq. ft. Located in the heart of
Cobble Hill West on Columbia Street with egress on Sackett Street Highly
visible location with 42 feet of frontage on Columbia and 39.1 feet of
frontage on Sackett Street Great potential for high end condominium
and or residential rental apartments with commercial component. All
residential units will have magnificent views of the River and downtown
Waterfront Walk to the F and G trains which make stops along Smith Street
at Bergen and Carroll Streets or walk to Borough Hall which is serviced
by the 2, 3, 4, 5, M and R trains. The area is also serviced by the
B61, B63, B71 and B75 buses. Located on vibrant Columbia Street with
direct access to all restaurants, shopping and nightlife. Asking Price:
$4,500,000 Representative/s: Brian T. Leary,Landon McGaw
neig bour
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