v y d a v y   s i n d i k a t group photo project


b - body
s - space
t - time
a - attendant

few questions about Public Gathering
(answers came from a survey collected at the Computing the Social show at the LMAK Projects (Wiliamsburg)):

What is Public Gathering?
Public Gathering is a project that examines how communities represent themselves.
Specifically, how does a fluid community represent itself? Are its representatives of
community or of this community's - any community's -fluidity?

Thoughtful socializing

Being of you-making our air

A gathering of publics


Suggest a place for Public Gathering
Spaces that envision themselves as private but actually aren't

Art Lot

Red Hook with lots of dogs and children

Polaski Bridge



Would you come to a Public Gathering?
Yes. Because there are many publics, many gatherings

Yes, to hear, see, move.



Location #8: Rotunda Gallery
            DATE :  March 22, 7:00 pm

LOCATION # 7: Spacecraft, Brooklyn
                 DATE :  December 16, 12:00 pm

LOCATION # 6: d.u.m.b.o. , Brooklyn
                 DATE :  October 16, 3:00 pm

- - click on the picture to see larger view

LOCATION # 5: d.u.m.b.o. , Brooklyn
               DATE : October 15, 3:00 pm

- - click on the picture to see larger view

LOCATION # 4: Socrates Sculpture Park
                 DATE :  August 14, 4:00 pm

- - click on the picture to see larger view
- -more photos

LOCATION # 3:Socrates Sculpture Park
             DATE : August 13, 4:00 pm

- - click on the picture to see larger view

LOCATION # 2 :Riegelmann Boardwalk & Brighton 2nd
             DATE :May 8th, 2005, 1:00 pm

- - click on the picture to see larger view

 - - click on the picture to see larger view 

LOCATION # 1 :Avenue U & Burnett Street in Brooklyn (Marine Park)
               DATE : December 12th, 2004, 1:00 pm


- - click on the picture to see larger view

on 12.1.2004 vydavy sindikat(Brooklyn based group experiment)
started working on a project titled ‘Public Gathering’.

Currently the first stage(6 sessions of group photo/video performances)
is complete and the sindikat started working on the next stage(data analysis, mapping).

Public Gathering is an attempt to study a specific public body, formed as a result of social
and political transformations.
This project applies nomadic principles and creates new network within urban context.
Stage one of the project – public performance, consisting of group photo and video session.
It is an ongoing experiment  where vydavy is going to try and create a parallel community.
The 'Public Gathering' is a project exploring the politics of human interactions.

The project will investigate the phenomenon through a series of performances, use of multi-media tools and
various study models. The goal of the project is to understand the place and meaning of PG in
a contemporary context (recent submission for the proposing of a master plan for Palestinian village,
(Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory).
The departure point for the project is a group photo
(examples/sketches of previous group photos can be found here).

Further work will consist of developing a method of representation appropriate for this phenomenon, along
with determining the ‘ideal’ environment for the PG. Eventually, the project will establish the
complex identity of the group, exposing its background references and at the same time working as a
commentary on an existing community.


- -  sindikat photos  
- - the 'Observer' Project      

go to: w w w . v y d a v y . c o m
contact: vydavy sindikat
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